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Perspecta Weather



Home of Perspecta Weather with forecasts, blogs, and climate insights from Perspecta meteorologist Paul Dorian.


Perspecta Weather provides weather forecasts for the Mid-Atlantic region (Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. and New York City) and Southeast U.S. (Huntsville, AL and Cape Canaveral, FL).  Six-day weather forecasts are available each weekday morning with frequent detailed video discussions to help plan your day and week.  Updated afternoon and weekend posts are frequently provided; especially, in times of rapidly changing or severe weather conditions.


In addition to the day-to-day weather forecasts, seasonal outlooks are provided for upcoming winter and tropical seasons with detailed video discussions and blog posts.  


Climate is always changing and expert interpretations are frequently provided here on important topics including oceanic cycles, global sea ice, and long-term trends of hurricanes, tornadoes, and global temperatures. In addition to the information provided on Earth's dynamic atmosphere and oceans, posts are frequently provided on solar activity which can play a crucial role in our weather and climate.




Perspecta Weather meteorologists provide highly accurate and tailored forecasts to help you decide when to mow the lawn, prep the snowblower or carry an umbrella. No hype–just the facts and expert opinion on what you can expect during the upcoming week.

Learn about the weather through in-depth video discussions

Detailed video discussions provide insight into what's happening with the weather and why it's happening. 

Meteorology 101

Watch the latest video and subscribe to the YouTube channel to stay up-to-date with the latest insights.

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Paul Dorian, Perspecta meteorologist, was interviewed on WTKI Radio in Huntsville, AL. Listen to the December 2016 appearance here and and the March 2017 interview here. 


Perspecta Weather has been selected by from thousands around the world as a "Top 100 Weather Blog and Website" (ranked 41 out of 100).



Perspecta Weather has also been selected by as a "Top 60 Weather YouTube Channel" (ranked 43 out of 60).


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